January 21, 2025
Bungil Creek Bridge is situated on the Warrego Highway between Miles and Roma. The Warrego Highway transports significant numbers of cattle from and to the Roma Saleyards, which is the biggest cattle selling facility in the southern hemisphere. This stretch of the highway also accommodates significant mining traffic, further underlining its importance in the region's economic landscape. Kehoe Myers were engaged to undertake the investigation of a Business Case, which explored the benefits of an investment and upgrade to the Bungil Creek Bridge, and the impact on stimulating economic growth to the local, regional and wider community, the improvements to productivity for agricultural commodities and industry, whilst supporting a safe, reliable and efficient road network with an improved flood immunity. We complied our findings from our investigation in a comprehensive engineering report highlighting our proposed 7 bridge options, cost options analysis for each bridge and the economic study and attending a stakeholder meeting involving Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR) and local Native Community (as the proposed bridge was next to a Native Title Land). All 7 options were presented at this meeting by Kehoe Myers as well as the preliminary cost estimates, utilising the market rates sq.m rates at the time. Throughout a lengthy decision process, we attended several reoccurring meetings before DTMR narrowed down the final Conceptual Options to 3 options. We completed the Concept Designs on the 3 options chosen and provided a detailed bill of quantities (using DTMR’s P50/P90 standards). We assessed the Cultural Heritage Importance, Road Safety, The Flood Levels and Mapping. Native Title, Community Engagement, The Economic Benefit and Minimising of the Environmental Impact of the proposed Bungil Creek Bridge within our Final Feasibility Report. We prepared an economic study to provide DTMR with a Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) for a 20-30 year period, to be in line with the Federal Government, State and Local Government Infrastructure Policies. This report was delivered to DTMR within a timely manner and will provide them the necessary information to be awarded funding for the Bungil Creek Bridge Upgrade.