Land Subdivision – Assembling your Professional Team…

Land subdivisions are often considered a simple entry into the development world. After all there’s no building and construction involved therefore the initial outlay and timeframes should be significantly lower. Land subdivisions are not as simple as they appear and can often be a costly step into the development world.

The first challenge is whether the land you wish to subdivide is able to be subdivided. Each regional Council has their own requirements on zoning, lot sizes and services required for each lot. This information is often available online, however appointing experienced Engineers to plan the project can streamline the process.

Once you’ve identified the ability to subdivide, you need to start the due diligence process. This includes developing concept plans to identify the number of blocks capable of being achieved, and any potential unsatisfactory impacts of the project. Unsatisfactory impacts may include loss of protected vegetation, difficult topography or an inability to discharge stormwater appropriately. You may also be required to incorporate mandatory parkland into your development. It is integral to appoint an experienced Civil Engineer at this stage to develop the concept plans and provide an early estimate of potential costs.

From this point we recommended you assemble a team of trusted advisors to support you in the next stages of due diligence. This team should include a Town Planner, Registered Surveyor, Accountant or Financial Advisor, Real Estate Agent, Environmental Consultant and Lawyer. Your team of professionals will help determine the viability of the project and provide advice to increase your project’s viability.

If the viability of the project is looking positive, you then proceed into developing engineering plans, drainage reports, environmental reports, and survey plans to lodge with your Development Application to Council. The Development Application process can be time-intensive, therefore we suggest ensuring you provide as much information as possible from the outset. Often Council will have further requests and/or provide an approval with conditions that need to be considered by you and your team.

Civil Engineers will then prepare detailed final drawings for civil works for submission to Council for Operational Works Approval. These final drawings may also result in further conditions being imposed, however it’s the final step before you can start work on the site.

There are a number of complex steps involved in subdivisions, however having the right team behind you will reduce the stress, cost and time involved in:

  • Determining your ability to subdivide;
  • Conducting your due diligence;
  • Identifying the costs involved; and
  • Finalising your application process.

If you need assistance assembling your professional team, contact us today:

Terry Kehoe, Grant Pendlebury and Peter Sparksman

Email: Telephone: 07 4632 8100

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